How do I create a competition challenge?

Written by Bonrepublic Support
Updated 1 year ago

Competitions can be used to solicit ideas from employees on important topics such as digitization or to hold competitions on topics such as fitness. Decision-makers can then select the best idea or achievement with the help of a voting system. The following steps must be taken to create a competition:

  1. Click on "Create Challenge" and select "Competition"
  2. Either choose from the templates or customize a challenge with a picture, challenge name and description
  3. Optionally upload images, documents and videos
  4. In the expectations, enter a clear description of the competition and the expected results.
  5. Next, add participants to the challenge. Participants can be all employees, specific departments, or individual employees.
  6. Enter start and end date of the challenge
  7. Add decision makers who can vote for the ideas entered by the participants. The best ideas are then selected. Here, too, all employees, specific departments or individual employees can be selected.
  8. Add an audience, i.e. people who can see the challenge but not edit it. This can be all employees or individual departments.
  9. In the last step, receipts for the different places can be added optionally. Via "+" as many places as necessary can be inserted.

After the challenge has been created, it is initially in “draft” status and is therefore only visible to the creator and admins. Only when the challenge is “published” the participants will be notified and the challenge becomes visible.

As soon as the end date of the challenge is reached, it will be moved to the status "review" and can then be completed by the creator or admin. If the challenge is set to "successfully completed", the bons will automatically be awarded to the winners. If there are multiple winners for one place, the bons will be split between them. For example, if there are two winners for second place, which is rewarded with 10 bons, each will receive 5 bons.

If the challenge is marked as "failed", no bons will be distributed.

If you want to learn more about challenges, watch our tutorial:

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