How do I create a goal tree?

Written by Bonrepublic Support
Updated 1 year ago

Every user in Bonrepublic can create a main goal. The owner of the main goal or the following sub goals can then create further sub goals in this specific branch.

  1. Select "Goals" in the menu and then click "Create Goal”
  2. Add title, description and optionally files
  3. Next, the owners of the goal are added. Owners can be individual employees, but also departments or the entire company.
    Note: Please note that all targets below the goal where employees are entered as owners can then be viewed by them.
  4. Then the start- and enddate of the goal is set.
  5. Via "3 more settings" you can add the following things:
    1. Group: This is used to set a label for the main goal
    2. Approver: The approver is typically the manager who keeps track of the achievement of the goal and approves it at the end. Several people can also be added. 
    3. Audience: Here a organizational unit can be added to have the possiblity to view a goal but this group of people can not edit the goal or set a goal progress. These goals are shown in the "Shared goals section"
  6. Target can be specified by a initial- an endvalue or by Yes / No. The Target measurement for a goal with a intial- an endvalue can be set individually.

After this weighted or summed subgoals can be added directly to the maingoal. Owner, approver, start- and enddate are automatically taken from the maingoal, so you just have to put in a title and target values. 

Optionally a mothergoal can also be added if the created goal should not be the first level goal of a branch.

After creation the goal is first in draft status, that means it can only be seen by the admins, managers and creator of the goal. By launching the goal it is made visible to the owners, audience and approvers.

Status in goals are:

  1. Draft: Only can be viewed and edited by admin, manager and creator 
  2. Planned: Goal is already launched but the startdate is still in the future. It can be seen already by the owner, approver and audience but no progress can be set yet.
  3. Open: Now the progress in the goal can be set by the owner of the goal, as well as admin, manager and creator. 
  4. Approval: If the goal has a approver, this user has to approve the goal progress. The approval status can be triggered automativall by enddate or if the goal reaches 100% (please take a look at settings > restrictions). But also every goal can be closed individuelly by marking is as done.
  5. Completion: After the approval the goal can be set to "succesfully completed" or "completed as failed" by the approver, manager or admin. 

If you want to learn more about goals, watch our tutorial:

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