How do I created weighted Sub Goals?

Written by Bonrepublic Support
Updated 1 year ago

Users can create additional subgoals starting from the goal for which they are entered as the owner. In order to create a subgoal, you must first select whether it is a summed or weighted goal.

A weighted goal can be chosen to represent qualitative and quantitative goals. The decisive factor here is that the sub-goals can subsequently be given a weighting for cascading in the superordinate goal. The type of goal always applies to the entire level of subgoals and must therefore only be selected for the first subgoal of this level.

The creation of the weighted subgoal is done in the following steps:

  1. In the parent goal, click "Add subgoals" and select "Weighted goal".
  2. Add title, description and optionally files
  3. Target can be specified by a initial- an endvalue or by Yes / No. The Target measurement for a goal with a intial- an endvalue can be set individually.

The owner, approver and start- and enddate are taken automatically from the main goal but can also be set individually. 

All created subgoals are weighted equally by the portal but can also be individualized in the set-up process.

If you want to learn more about goals, watch our tutorial:

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