How to create a feedback meeting via performance review sessions?

Written by Bonrepublic Support
Updated 1 year ago

Administrators, mentors and the feedback recipient can schedule a meeting within a feedback session via the “Feedback Meeting” tab. All meetings that were created in connection with the session are also listed there.

To create a meeting, click on “Create feedback meeting” and enter the following information in the pop-up:

  1. Insert title and optional description and documents.
  2. Select the date and time of the meeting.
  3. Add other participants apart from the feedback recipient.
  4. Select a template for the interview via the drop-down.
  5. “Create” adds the meeting.

Tip: In a feedback meeting, the competency summary and spider diagram are displayed, as well as the notes made during the session. Therefore you can use the notes to prepare for the meeting. 

As soon as “publish” is clicked in the meeting, comments and guiding questions can be added. Until the meeting is closed for editing by clicking on “Close meeting”.

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